Yoni in Sanskrit: “abode”, “source”, “womb” or “vagina”
Yoni steaming is a simple but very beneficial practice. A steaming bowl of water with healing herbs is placed over the horse and the heat is allowed to rise to our most sacred place. This practice is extremely pleasant and calming, and has many healing properties. During Yoni steaming, we will perform a strong activation of the womb, as it is one of our main centers from which sexuality, creativity and freedom arise.
Physical Benefits of Yoni Steaming:
– Reduction in pain, bloating and exhaustion associated with menstruation.
– Heavy periods decrease.
– Helps regulate irregular menstrual cycles.
– Faster healing and tone of the reproductive system after childbirth.
– Helps increase fertility.
– Relieves the discomfort of uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse and endometriosis.
– Detoxification of the uterus and body
Emotional and spiritual benefits of yoni steaming:
– Release accumulated emotions and anxiety.
– Activates female energy, which strengthens vitality and creativity.
– Helps release tension and creates a state of bliss.
– Helps with insomnia.
– As an additional remedy, it helps to heal from sexual trauma.